Donnerstag, 1. November 2012

Here are the news, like I promised... ;-)

Okay, I told you yesterday that there will be more news about my new plans today.

Well, as you know this blog will be very much about creativity. I'm doing many different creative things; mainly I'm writing songtexts, poems and stories, but I'm also drawing, designing different make-up styles or even clothes and have a passion for photogaphy and just everything that has to do with creativity.

Now this blog inspired me to do much more of this and – of course – share it with the world. One of my main ideas for the next months is this one; besides the „normal“ blogposts there will be something special...: Photo series! I'll combine two of my passions; Make-up/Styling and Photography. For every Photo series there will be a special motto/theme. I have a concept for 15 mottos yet and I will try to realize them as good as I can. I have so many ideas on my mind :-)

I hope you will like the results although I'm not a professional stylist or photographer... I'm gonna do my best :-)

At the moment, I can't tell you much about the mottos, sorry for that, but otherwise it's no surprise, right?! ;-) I just can tell you; there will be a motto for everyone of you! Some will be dark, some colourful, some mystic, some romantic, some maybe cute or funny...

Let's see how it works and what I can do :-)

The first series will be finished soon, I think, the only problem that I have is, that my laptop has some problems and unfortunatelly I can not upload any photos, but I will find a way to do it ;-)

Well, that's the news so far,

have a quiet night and sweet dreams!



Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2012

New beginning...

If you are having a real hard time in your life, everything is going wrong, you're feeling like you are losing everything and everyone you love and the whole world is against you...

Would you believe it if you were told by anyone that you have the strength to go on, to fight and that your life CAN get better if you even try to let someone help you?

I guess you wouldn't.
That's exactly what I thought a few months ago. Everything was just horrible and it felt like not only my life was a ruin but also myself; I was a ruin.
Fortunately I made the decision to go on and to change my life. I wasn't able to do that alone but I had so much great help and was supported by my family and friends so much. They're all so lovely and I'm really glad I have them always on my side <3
Now I feel so relieved and my life finally is not out of order anymore.

There's so many things that have changed; I can think positively again, I'm able to make plans for the future and have more self-confidence and have a feeling of self-worth again. That's a feeling that I had years ago for the last time...

At the moment I have so many great plans! I'm searching for an apprenticeship training position and have a few creative projects.
The only thing I can tell you yet is; I'm doing very different things. Music, pictures, texts... What I do exactly will be a surprise, but you will get to know a bit of it tomorrow ;=)

Well, I just want to tell you one thing before I say good night... If you have a hard time in your life, are desperate and have lost all your hope, let me tell you one thing: even if it seems impossible to find a way out, DON'T give up! You will always find a way to go on, to survive and to live your life the way you like it! Never, never give up, no matter what happens to you, because there's always a way to fight for your dreams and a way to become happy again.

I will start a new life now, a completely new beginning and you're also able to do that if you just WANT to!

Now I wish you a very quiet, calm night, sleep well and don't forget to keep your eyes open for more information tomorrow ;=)



Finally at home again!

Hello everybody!

I'm finally at home again after 3 months!

It was a very long time and during this time, pretty much in my life has changed.
I'm really sorry that I couldn't write anything here, but I just didn't have the time or opportunity...

But here's a promise; f
rom now on I will try to write more blogposts and the first thing I will write about are the plans I have made for the next months, because I have planned some creative stuff and I will tell you about it later today.

Moreover this blog will get a little make-over soon, but the details about that are still a secret yet ;=)

Now I wish you a sunny, joyful day,

you will hear from me later!



Freitag, 6. Juli 2012

New plans...

Okay, so, my plans for the next months have changed drastically...

For the next weeks, maybe for even 2 or 3 months, i will not be at home, so I'm afraid, everything I have planned for the near future will have to wait...
During the next 2 or 3 days I will tell you about the plans that I have for the upcoming weeks & months...

So, keep your eyes open for news ;=)



Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012

Online-shopping II... :=)

Here are some more "dark" webshops for you:

This one has also many Steampunk clothes:

These two are for fans of Cybergoth:

Wish you so much fun with looking for some new stuff ;=)



Dienstag, 3. Juli 2012

Little Make-up tip...

Do you also have that problem; the eyeshadow doesen't last the whole day, the colour is smearing, especially when it is hot, and you sweat a bit and it breaks away into the eyelid crease... ?!
That can be really annoying, but fortunately there's a simple solution for that; Eyeshadow Base.
It makes the eyeshadow last the whole day, no matter how warm it is and whatever you do, it intensifies the colours of the eyeshadow and it prevents the break-away into the eyelid crease!
For me, the eyeshadow base has become an essential product and I use it always when I want to apply eyeshadow.

Here's the link to the one that I use; it's from ARTDECO, one of my favourite make-up brands:

Hope, this will help you,



Montag, 2. Juli 2012


I have to say... I'm not actually a big fan of online-shopping and always very careful when it comes to this, but as you know, I'm totally into the gothic scene and if you live in a small village and have no car yet it is pretty difficult to get the clothes and everything... These "special" shops are very very rare where I live and so I decided to give online-shopping one more try...

So, here I have some addresses for you, if you are also despairing, because you just don't know where to look for dark romantic outfits, the perfect goth-make-up or jewellery etc. ... ;=)

Here you find beautiful make-up in great colours:

Here you find clothes, make-up, jewellery, bags, accescoires, decoration for your home etc. :

And here's the shop of the fantastic, beautiful and amazing model Ophelia Overdose, who's very well known in the "black scene":

Here's also her website:

So, that's all for now, but I will look for more shops, of course and will let you know as soon as I found some more ;=)



Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

The "Chances"-thing...

It says everybody deserves a second chance.
But is this really true? And how do we decide, whether someone deserves another chance or not? What do we do, if we gave too many chances to someone else?!
It’s always a really difficult and emotional thing to consider about that.

The best example are relationships, I think, because we all know; “Love is blind”… If we are in love so much that we would fight against the whole world to protect and defend the one we love, it can happen, that we are truly blind and e.g. don’t see, that our “Mr. or Mrs. Perfect” isn’t good for us. And in this case we also give too many chances sometimes…  

So, how can we decide, if it’s right or not, to give a second chance, or maybe a third or a fourth one…?!
It would be easy to say; “Listen to your heart and you will find the right decision there, it will show you the right way…blablabla…”
But I’m afraid, that it’s not that easy, when it comes to themes like this.

Of course, it’s important to listen to your heart, but sometimes you should also listen to the persons who are really close to you and who are very important to you like a family member or your best friend. They see it better (and definitely clearer) than you if someone’s a bad influence on you. I know this is very hard to accept, especially when you are in love. But I’ve made my experiences with that, trust me… It’s not always the right way to go with love…

If you give too many chances and always keep believing, the person you give ‘em to will change, will do it better next time, then you definitely will be brought down by that… You will always get one disappointment after another and it will get worse and worse, you will always get hurt more and more, everytime the one you forgave breaks another promise.

It’s hard to say; 3 chances are okay, 2 are too less, 5 too much…
You somehow have to decide it by heart, even if this is really hard…but you have to be careful and always look at the truth. Don’t tell yourself: “This is the last chance” again and again and again… Be careful and consider very well about giving a new chance. Sometimes it’s better to say goodbye at the right time, than living in a childish, naïve hope, always getting disappointed by the one that you love and defend against everyone, the one you would die for…

It can hurt like hell to loose a person you love more than your own life, but it’s no alternative to let the one destroy you by ignoring the chances you give to him/her. Don’t let others rule your life like that…

Take care,


Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012

Motivation?! Hmmm...

Where my motivation has gone? Oh, it just walked by, haven't you seen it?!...

That's exactly what I think sometimes, when there are days when I can't do anything, I just can't. I feel somehow tired and have no motivation to do anything and want to lay down and do nothing else than let the day pass by... If that's one day, or maybe two, that's okay, everybody has that sometimes. But when this goes on for a few days or maybe weeks, it's becoming a real problem.

Sometimes it's hard to pick oneself up and especially when you have no one around you who motivates you and helps you to get up and do something it's even harder. To motivate yourself is never easy...

One of the problems that I have is absolutely classical; sports. I try to motivate myself for doing sports regularly for nearly 3 years now and let me tell you one thing; this is one of the most difficult challenges in my entire life...
I don't have so much problems with healthy food, it was no problem for me to stop eating "fast food" and sweets and also I only eat vegetarian food for a few weeks now and I'm so happy with it. 
The only thing that's still needed is more exercising...

Of course there are some more things that I want to do or should do, but the motivation's just not big enough on some days. Everyone knows this feeling.
There are days when I really am enthusiastic and passionate about it, but then there are these days again, when I just have the feeling that I can't move at all...
When I come to a point like this again, I always try to think of the goals I have set for myself and of everything I want to achieve and also of some things that I am afraid of and that I want to avoid as good as possible - and I have to say; it works most of the time! It makes me get up and do what is needed to get a little bit closer to what I want to achieve, whether this is exercising, or practising breath control for singing or to work on boring papers about the financial things or the job...

So, I think this shows once again how important it is, to have goals and to have dreams or other things that you want to realize and achieve. This is what keeps us going most of the time, if we always keep them in mind.

Well, I will go now and do some exercising, I think...



Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

                                                              Picture: / Pictures

Today is the birthday of a very special person; my best friend.

Today's her 18th birthday and I so I just wanted to dedicate her a special post in this blog...

I know, that you read this, so I just want to say a few words...
Thank you for everything you've done for me, for being always there and for taking me as I am. We know each other for 12 years now, that's nearly our whole life so far, and even if there were times when our friendship had to deal with a lot of problems or a big distance, it always lasted and we never lost the special connection we had right from the beginning.

So, this is your special day and I wish you all the best!
I know you're strong and even if there are hard times and some decisions to make in the upcoming months, I'm sure you will make it. You will find the way that's exactly the right for you!

Never forget that you have so many friends that love you just the way you are!

And never, never forget that I am also always there for YOU!

Enjoy your day, have fun and don't forget to party ;=)

Love & Hugs,


Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

First "beauty-tip" ;=)

So, I told you in my first post, that I have a passion for make-up.
That's why I will post different make-up styles, beauty-tips and of course reviews of different products.

The product you can see in the picture is so good, I can really recommend it to you!
I have a "complicated" skin... Some years ago I had issues with spots and very oily skin, now I have oily skin and sometimes spots in my "t-zone" (for those, who don't know; t-zone means forehead, nose and chin), but dry skin everywhere else...

A few weeks ago I tried out the "pure skin anti-spot moisturizer" by essence and it's done WONDERS to my skin, seriously! The skin is moisturized without becoming oily and spots or rednesses are really reduced very quickly. And the best thing is; you can also use it as a make-up base and that works fantastic! It makes your foundation, concealer, powder and blush last longer, it's really great.
So, my tip is to use it two times every day; in the morning as make-up base and in the evening, after removing make-up, as skin care over night.
After a few days, your skin will be purer and softer.

It's very good for people with sensitive skin and if I say that, you can believe me, because my skin is very sensitive and I get allergic reactions very easy, but had absolutely NO problem with this products!

Try it out...



Summer, Dreams, Changes

These three words somehow belong together in my mind...

Although I'm more into the cold seasons, fall and winter, summer is always a time that inspires me to change some things that I wanted to change for a long time, but never did. Sometimes I just hadn't the strengh to, sometimes I was afraid of changing something in my life.
Giving up something that you are used to is always a very hard thing to do and that's why most of us ignore most of the chances we get, especially when the decisions we COULD make, would change our whole life...
In the past few months I personally went through a lot of hard times and someday, there was a point, when I realized, that I HAD to do something, so I pulled myself together and just did what my heart told me and what in my opinion was the best for me.

Sometimes we just have to think about ourselves and nothing else. Of course we can't always do that, because that would be egoistic, but there are times when we need to concentrate on our lives and to focus on what is good for us or what helps us go further in our lives.
The earlier you think about what is the right way to go, the better. Don't wait until you are completely down, don't wait until your insecurities pull you to the ground... Do something before this happens! Even if it's really hard sometimes...

When you get to a point, where you completely lost your mind and nothing seems to make sense, where you are just confused about everything and there seems no reason to go on, think of everything that means something to you. When you get to that point, think of the persons you love, of something that you have reached due to a lot of hard work, think of the dreams you have... And then stand up and go on! To think of the dreams you have or of the goals you want to reach can really help you to get up again and fight.

Unfortunately there are not many people, who really fight for their dreams. Most of the people in this world today just accept everything that happens and let their lives pass by. Instead of letting your life pass by you should take everything in your own hands and always keep in mind that you have to do something, to be happy. Luck and happiness don't come easy and you always have to do something to be happy. Never forget that and keep your dreams alive.
If you always set yourself little goals that you reach step by step, you are able to realize whatever you want. Always remember that, when you're down again, no matter how bad you feel... You are able to go on.

During the cold seasons it's always harder to pick oneself up, in spring and summer it is much easier.

Summer's just knocking on the door, so think about your life, your dreams and about changes you maybe need to feel better and more comfortable with everything in your life.



Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Welcome to my world...

Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog...

So, where do I start...?!

I'm just a creative girl who wants to share ideas, creative works and thoughts with the world.

I started writing my own stories, poems and songs very early and also I started drawing and photographing very long ago. And, of course, I'm also doing different make-up styles for some time now.

I will use this blog as an opportunity to share my thoughts about the world, my point of view when it comes to imporant things in life and also to make recommendments to you, sometimes music, sometimes books, sometimes aritsts I discovered and like very much. And last but not least, I will share some of my own artworks with you...

I just combine all my passions and turn them into little „masterpieces“ ;=)

It also may be important for you to know that I'm very much into the Gothic- and Metal-scene. So some of the things I will post here are dark and melancholic, 'cause that's a very big part of me, my personality, my life and the creative things I do.

Well, now you know the most important things, there is not so much more to tell, you will get to know a bit more with every post I do... and I hope you enjoy the little ride we take with this blog, into a
